Monthly Archives: December 2017

Mt. Baker viewed from BC, Canada and Wild Coast Sunset

Both shots were taken within a mile of each other about an close to the same time which shows how much diversity the Lower Mainland of BC, Canada has to offer… 

Beautiful, majestic, glacial mountain views to the east and south with the gorgeous BC coast north and Pacific Ocean views looking west.   The best of both worlds all in one location… 

A landscape photographers paradise!

Thanks for viewing and wishing all of you a blessed New Year!


Season’s Change – San Juan Mountains

This Fall in the San Juan Mountains of SW Colorado we had an early snow that changed everthing in the high alpine in an instant…  The once barren fields void of most of its summer yield was now transformed into a winter wonderland.  The high alpine lakes were not yet froze over so this particular one provided for some nice foreground allowing me to capture the reflection of the beautiful red glow in the distant fading sunset as nightfall was quickly setting in… 

Unfortunately, it is now half way through December and the high alpine fields are void of any snow… It is nice to be able to still access the alpine country but I have never seen it so bare this time of year… No worries this early in the season though as one storm can change it all….

Thank you for viewing my site and hope you all have a wonderful holiday season including Christmas, Hanukkah, and a fantastic New Year!